Sarah Phillips - First Aid Trainer of the Year
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Seizures. What is a seizure? What can cause somebody to have a seizure? Learn the steps to take as a first aider when you encounter someone experiencing convulsions due to a seizure. Understand the different phases of a seizure, how to protect the person's head, move objects out of harm's way, and provide assistance in the recovery position. Discover the importance of checking for breathing and circulation, and how to conduct a primary survey to ensure the person's safety. Watch this informative video for essential knowledge on handling seizures as a first aider.
Hypoglycemia. What is hypoglycemia? How do you recognise hypoglycemia? What steps can you take? Learn about hypoglycemia, its recognition, and the steps to take when suspecting someone is experiencing low blood sugar. Discover common signs of hypoglycemia and the importance of timely intervention. Find out what can cause a hypo and how to provide immediate assistance using jelly babies or dextrose. Stay prepared and equipped with the knowledge to prevent diabetic emergencies. Watch the video for essential insights and practical advice. Stay informed and prepared for hypoglycemic emergencies. Watch the video to learn how to recognise hypoglycemia, take prompt action, and potentially save a life.
Asthma. What is asthma? What are the signs and symptoms? Discover the ins and outs of asthma in this informative video. Learn about the prevalence of asthma in the United Kingdom, with one in 11 children and one in 12 adults affected by this condition. Understand the triggers that can cause difficulty in breathing for asthma sufferers, such as sudden physical exertion or exposure to cold temperatures. Join Sarah, owner and trainer of First Aid at Work, as she explains the inflammation of the bronchioles and the resulting narrowing of airways during an asthma attack. Explore the importance of proper positioning, the use of inhalers, and when to seek emergency assistance. Don't miss this essential guide to managing asthma effectively. Watch now!
Anaphylaxis. What is it? Learn about anaphylaxis, its signs and symptoms, and how to effectively respond in an emergency situation. Discover common triggers such as peanuts, fruits, medications, and animals, and understand the importance of using auto-injectors to administer life-saving medication. This informative video demonstrates the proper usage of three different auto-injectors, including the popular EpiPen, Jext, and Emerade. Gain valuable knowledge on injection techniques, safety precautions, and the vital role of emergency services. Watch this engaging and memorable training video to ensure you're prepared to help someone experiencing anaphylactic shock.